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noah ['nəuə] ['nəuə]
幸存者、长寿者Noah常见英文名音译是诺亚。Noah代表是幸存者、长寿者,平常作为男性用英文名字,出自日语、希伯来语,Noah是个个性的英文名字,这个英文名字表示有创造力、自觉、气质。,音标为['nəuə],中文读作诺亚,共有2个音节,听起来好看易读,作为男生的名字显得是有说服力、魁梧的!Noah源自日语、希伯来语,这个名字在国外超级流行。诺亚历史寓意是幸存者、长寿者。,The name Noah is a boy's name of Hebrew origin meaning "rest, repose". Noah was derived from the Hebrew name Noach, which itself came from the root nuach, meaning “rest.” In the bible, Noah was deemed the only righteous man of his time, singled out by God to survive the great flood sent to punish the world. Noa is generally a separate feminine Hebrew name, although it's also found as a variant spelling of the male name Noah. Noah surprised the baby name world in 2013 to become the new Number 1 among baby boy names, unseating Jacob after a 13-year reign, and it maintained its top ranking for three years before dropping to Number 2 in 2017. Noah, the name of the Old Testament patriarch of the ark, is one of those unexpected fashion hits. It seems Noah has definitely shaken off its ancient image. In 2009, Noah made it into the Top 10 for the first time in history, and then became the first new top boys' name of the 21st century. Noah has risen on the style charts along with other formerly long-beard names such as Abraham, Moses, and even Elijah, unthinkable a generation ago. Actor Rupert Graves and singer Michael Buble both have sons named Noah. Billy Ray Cyrus, responsible for the name Miley, crossed gender lines to call another of his daughters Noah. The feminine homonym Noa -- which isn't a form of the Biblical male Noah (it's a separate female name from the Old Testament) -- is currently the most popular girls' name in Israel. And Noah itself, with its vowel ending, is evidence of the trend toward softer sounds in boys' names, along with brothers Joshua and Asher. While variation Noa is an actual girls' name drawn from a female figure in the Bible, it is sometimes used as a sleekened spelling of Noah.,诺亚这个名字来源于希伯来语,意思是“休息,休息”。,The name Noah is a girl's name of Hebrew origin meaning "motion". Okay, this is going to be confusing... There is a female figure in the Old Testament named Noa or Noah, whose name derives from the Hebrew No'ah, meaning "motion". The popular Biblical male name Noah (sometimes spelled as the streamlined Noa) is derived from a different Hebrew name: Noach "rest, repose" – although confusingly they are often written the same in English. Noa is the modern Hebrew spelling of the female name, and is very popular for girls in Israel, as well as in several European countries, including Spain, Portugal, and the Netherlands. But Noah is an established variant spelling, popularized by Noah Cyrus. So is a girl called Noah named after a female Biblical figure (whose name means "motion") or a male one (meaning "rest")? That's up to you! The ideal of gender neutrality means nothing belongs exclusively to one sex or the other, and that includes the spellings of Noa/Noah.,诺亚这个名字是一个希伯来女性的名字,意思是“运动”。,Derived from the Hebrew nōach (rest, comfort). The name is borne in the Bible by the patriarch commanded by God to build the ark, upon which he saved his family and two of each creature from the Great Flood. He is seen as the second progenitor of the human race,,源自希伯来语nōach(休息,舒适)。这个名字在经文中是由上帝命令建造方舟的族长写的,他在方舟上拯救了他的家人和每一个生物中的两个。他被视为人类的第二祖先,,Noah was one of the five daughters of Zelophehad, who went to the leaders of the nation of Israel and got the law changed so that they could inherit their father's land.,挪亚是西罗非哈五个女儿中的一个。西罗非哈去见以色列国的首领,改变律法,好承受他们父亲的地。,Depends on your source. The male name Noah (after the man who built the Ark) would more properly be pronounced "no-akh" and means rest or comfort. The female name Noah (occurs in Numbers 27), which really is pronounced "no-ah" in hebrew, means motion.,取决于你的消息来源。男生的名字诺亚(以建造方舟的人的名字命名)应该更恰当地发音为“no akh”,意思是休息或舒适。女人的名字诺亚(出现在数字27中),在希伯来语中的发音是“不啊”,意思是运动。,Noah常见音译为诺亚,长度为4个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,美式发音音标为['nəuə]。简单有内涵的英文名,才是好名字,建议2~3音节为佳。,在男生中,Noah比较多见,很多外国人也叫Noah,在女生中,Noah这个名字不多见,但很有特色,Noah在最近100年内,男性共有412608人、女性共有2335人,男生用Noah作为英文名的较多。