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noa [noa] [noa]
Noa作为女孩的名字是希伯来语的,Noa的意思是“运动”。圣经的名字。Noa常见英文名音译是诺亚,诺娅。Noa代表是和平,是个女孩子用的英文名字。出自荷兰语、日语,Noa是个简短的名字,这个名字给人的印象有趣、健谈、成熟。,该名读音是[noa],整体柔和简单,是一个高冷的英文名,女性提取英文名Noa取名,彰显出女性热情特点同时,还很好的寓意着孩子热情,热情!Noa在国外,认为具有有趣、健谈、成熟的品格,这个名字在国外较为常见。诺亚的寓意是和平。,The name Noa is a girl's name of Hebrew origin meaning "motion". This Old Testament female name has been one of the most popular girls’ names in Israel over the last decade. Also highly popular in Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands, and a new entrant to the US Top 1000, it may be misunderstood here as an attempt to streamline and feminize the more familiar Noah – although it's a separate name with a separate derivation. Now for the confusing bit... There is a female figure in the Old Testament named Noa or Noah, whose name derives from the Hebrew No'ah, meaning "motion". The popular Biblical male name Noah (sometimes spelled as the streamlined Noa) is derived from a different Hebrew name: Noach "rest, repose" – although confusingly they are often written the same in English. Noa is the modern Hebrew spelling of the female name, but it is also found as a variant spelling of the male name Noah – popular in countries including France, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Complex backstory notwithstanding, Noa's rise to the charts indicates increased interest in this sleek moniker.,诺亚这个名字是一个希伯来语女人的名字,意思是“运动”。,The name Noa is a boy's name meaning "rest, repose". Okay, this is going to be confusing... There is a female figure in the Old Testament named Noa or Noah, whose name derives from the Hebrew No'ah, meaning "motion". The popular Biblical male name Noah (sometimes spelled as the streamlined Noa) is derived from a different Hebrew name: Noach "rest, repose" – although confusingly they are often written the same in English. Noa is the modern Hebrew spelling of the female name, and is very popular for girls in Israel, as well as in several European countries, including Spain, Portugal, and the Netherlands. But Noa is also a popular spelling of the male name Noah in countries including France, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. So is a boy named Noa named after a female Biblical figure (whose name means "motion") or a male one (meaning "rest")? That's up to you! The ideal of gender neutrality means nothing belongs exclusively to one sex or the other, and that includes the spellings of Noa/Noah.,诺亚这个名字是男士的名字,意思是“休息,休息”。,Aliza: "I met beautiful israeli girl names Noa yesterday" Yaeli: "Shes not Israeli, shes American" Yeea: "Shes both" Ilan: "I met her too, she seemed very smart" ',艾丽莎:“我昨天遇到了一个叫诺亚的漂亮以色列女士”,Noa means "from love" in Japanese, and is a popular Hawaiian name meaning Free/Freedom.,Noa在日语中的意思是“来自爱”,是夏威夷语中一个流行的名字,意思是自由\/自由。,' A "Noa" is an Israeli girl who is originally from America. A Noa is a girl who is smart and knowledgeable. She gets along well with everyone and people love her. When people see her they tend to look at her for her beauty is breathtaking.,“诺亚”是一个来自美国的以色列女士。诺亚是一个聪明又博学的女士。她和每个人都相处得很好,人们都爱她。当人们看到她时,他们往往会看着她,因为她的美丽令人叹为观止。,Noa is not the female version of the name Noah, and they are pronounced differently in Hebrew. Noa was one of the five daughters of the biblical figure Zelophehad, who died without leaving a male heir. Noa and her sisters fought for - and won - the right to inherit his property. She and her sisters are among the most influential and revered women in the Bible as a result of their actions standing up for what they believed was right (Numbers 27 and on), challenging even Moses on his interpretation of the law and then prevailing. It also means "movement" in Hebrew. Noa is also claimed as a Japanese name, loosely translated as “my love.",Noa不是Noah这个名字的女性版本,它们在希伯来语中发音不同。诺亚是经文人物西罗非哈德的五个女儿之一,她死后没有留下男性继承人。诺亚和她的姐妹们为继承他的财产而斗争并赢得了这一权利。她和她的姐妹们是经文中最有影响力和最受尊敬的女性之一,因为她们的行为维护了她们认为是正确的(数字27及以上),甚至在摩西对律法的解释上提出了挑战,然后获得了胜利。它在希伯来语中也有“运动”的意思。,Noa常见音译为诺亚,诺娅,长度为3个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,美式发音音标为[noa]。容易发音的名字,别人才能记得住,Noa拼写挺简单,不建议作为职场正式英文名。英语发音尽量少于3音节。,在男生中,Noa这个名字不多见,用的外国人不是很多,在女生中,Noa稍微冷门,但非常特别,Noa在最近100年内,男性共有1527人、女性共有5405人,女生用Noa比男生更多一些。