Dominique常见英文名音译是多米尼克,多米妮可。Dominique代表是意思是“星期日”,适合女生英文名字,历史上最早出现于法语、拉丁语,Dominique是个特色的名字,这个名字寓意伟大、实际、自信。,此英文名字翻译为多米尼克,长度为9,朗朗上口美妙,适合大家英文起名,小女孩提取英文名Dominique取名,彰显出小女孩天真无邪特点同时,还很好的寓意着孩子天真无邪,天真无邪。Dominique在国外评论中,认为这个人是伟大、实际、自信的,这个名字在国外较为常见!多米尼克历史寓意是意思是“星期日”。,The name Dominique is a girl's name of French origin meaning "belonging to a lord".
Had a surge of popularity in the Dynasty days, now has subsided in the wake of fresher French choices like Destry and Delphine, though it retains its sense of sophistication. It's one of the most truly gender-neutral baby names right now.,多米尼克这个名字来自法国,是一个女孩的名字,意思是“属于上帝”。,The name Dominique is a boy's name of French origin meaning "belonging to the lord".
Unisex option Dominique peaked for boys at Number 170 in 1991, perhaps due to the popularity of basketball player Dominique Wilkins. It's one of the most truly gender-neutral baby names right now.,多米尼克这个名字来自法国,是一个男性的名字,意思是“属于上帝”。,Bestowed upon both females and males in France, Dominique is from the Latin Dominicus (belonging to a lord), which is derived from dominus (a master, a lord).,在法国,无论男女,多米尼克都来自拉丁语Dominicus(属于一个领主),它是从多米努斯(一个主人,一个领主)派生出来的。,Dominique常见音译为多米尼克,多米妮可,长度为9个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,美式发音音标为['dɔmini:k]。简单有内涵的英文名,才是好名字,Dominique字母数挺多,生活中最好搭配昵称使用。英文名建议以2~3音节为佳。,在男生中,Dominique最近较流行,超过10000人用过这个英文名字,在女生中,Dominique比较多见,上万人使用过这个英文名,Dominique在最近100年内,男性共有22687人、女性共有50320人,Dominique做女生英文名更好。