Valens常见英文名音译是瓦伦斯。适合女生英文名字,历史上最早出现于英语,Valens是个冷门的名字,这个名字给人的印象无邪、直率。,Valens作为女孩子的名字,读起来响亮又音律优美,且该名由6个字母组成,把这个单词当作女孩子的英文名字,会给人一种敢冲敢闯、机智的感觉。Valens最早来源于英语,这个名字在国外超级流行。,The name Valens is a boy's name meaning "strong, vigorous, healthy".
A common Roman cognomen, borne by a 4th-century Roman emperor among others. From the
same root as vale, the Roman word of parting, which means “be well”. Note: the Classical Latin pronunciation for this name would be "WAAH-lens" (so if using this name around purists, beware!).,瓦伦斯这个名字是一个男生的名字,意思是“强壮、精力充沛、健康”。,Valens常见音译为瓦伦斯,长度为6个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,简单有内涵的英文名,才是好名字,英文名建议以2~3音节为佳。