Tessa常见英文名音译是泰莎,特萨。Tessa代表是我父母给我起名叫泰莎,因为它在波兰语中的意思是“上帝所爱”,是个女孩子用的英文名字。出自法语、宿务语,Tessa是个简短的名字,Tessa给人的印象是有趣、独立、甜美。,此英文名字,中文音译为泰莎,这个英文名不仅看起来唯美,但拼写起来是很强而有力,给人以温柔可人光明磊落的感觉!Tessa来源于法语、宿务语,这个名字在国外较为常见。我父母给我起名叫泰莎,因为它在波兰语中的意思是“上帝所爱”。,The name Tessa is a girl's name of Greek origin meaning "to reap, to gather".
Among baby girl names, Tessa's much more popular than either mother name Theresa or shorter form Tess. Today, many people may not even remember that Tessa originated as a short form of Theresa as it stands quite nicely on its own.,泰莎这个名字来源于希腊语,意思是“收割,收集”。,One of my middle names is Quentessa, but I have always went by Tess. However, a lot of people call me Tessa. I guess they think my name real name is Tessa.,我的中间名之一是昆特莎,但我一直叫苔丝。但是,很多人叫我泰莎。我猜他们认为我的真名是泰莎。,Tessa has also been associated with Quintessa, an English language form of Quintella, from a Roman given name, which means 5th born or 5th born daughter.,泰莎还与Quintessa联系在一起,Quintessa是英语中Quintella的一种形式,来自一个罗马名字,意思是第五次出生或第五次出生的女儿。,Although Tessa CAN be a nickname for Theresa and is often mistakenly tagged as principally a variant (much like Rose CAN be a nickname for the non-related name Rosamund), it has a separate etymology as a descendant of the Greek word for "four". It's related to the words tesselation and tessera.,虽然泰莎可以是特雷莎的昵称,而且经常被错误地标记为主要的变体(就像Rose可以是与Rosamund无关的名字Rosamund的昵称),但它有一个单独的词源,作为希腊语单词“four”的后代。它和tesselation和tessera有关。,Originally a pet form of Theresa (harvester), Tessa is now commonly bestowed as an independent given name.,泰莎最初是特蕾莎(收割者)的宠物,现在通常被赋予一个独立的名字。,Tessa常见音译为泰莎,特萨,长度为5个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,美式发音音标为['tesə]。简单有内涵的英文名,才是好名字,英语发音尽量少于3音节。,在男生中,Tessa稍微冷门,但非常特别,在女生中,Tessa比较多见,上万人使用过这个英文名,Tessa在最近100年内,男性共有13人、女性共有49646人,女生用Tessa作为英文名的较多。