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sibylla [sibyl-la] [sibyl-la]
Sibylla常见英文名音译是西比拉,希碧拉。Sibylla代表是Sibyl这个词来自古希腊语sibylla,意思是女先知,平常作为女性用英文名字。出自法语、荷兰语,Sibylla是个好记的名字,这个英文名字表示仪态万千、仪态万端。,此英文名字翻译为西比拉,整体动人便于书写,是一个清新的英文名,女士运用此英文名起名,可彰显出真挚,雍容大度、有权力的性格。Sibylla来源于法语、荷兰语,这个名字在国外流行度尚可。Sibyl这个词来自古希腊语sibylla,意思是女先知。,Sibyl Vane is a main character in Vladimir Nabokov's short story, The Vane Sisters She is a student at an all-female college who commits suicide after her lover, a professor at the school, ends their relationship.,西比尔·瓦内是弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫短篇小说中的一个主角,她是一所女子大学的学生,在她的情人、学校教授结束了他们的关系后自杀。,Sibyl Vane is a main character of Oscar Wilde's novel The Picture of Dorian Gray. She is Dorian Gray's lover. She commits suicide after Dorian Gray ends their engagement.,西比尔·范是奥斯卡·王尔德小说《道林·格雷的画像》的主要人物。她是道林·格雷的情人。她在道林·格雷结束婚约后自杀了。,The Cumaean Sibyl was the priestess presiding over the Apollonian oracle at Cumae, a Greek colony located near Naples, Italy. There were many sibyls in different locations throughout the ancient world. Because of the importance of the Cumaean Sibyl in the legends of early Rome as codified in Virgil's Aeneid VI, and because of her proximity to Rome, the Cumaean Sibyl became the most famous among the Romans. The Erythraean Sibyl from modern-day Turkey was famed among Greeks, as was the oldest Hellenic oracle, the Sibyl of Dodona, possibly dating to the second millennium BC according to Herodotus, favored in the east.,西比尔是一位女祭司,在意大利那不勒斯附近的希腊殖民地库迈主持阿波罗神谕。在古代世界的不同地方有许多锡伯族人。因为古罗马的西比尔在维吉尔的《埃涅阿斯六世》中被编撰在早期罗马的传说中很重要,而且由于她靠近罗马,库迈安西比尔成为罗马人中最著名的。来自现代土耳其的厄尔色拉西比尔在希腊人中享有盛名,古希腊最古老的甲骨文多多纳的西比尔(Sibyl of Dodona)可能可以追溯到公元前2千年,据希罗多德(Herodotus)所述,在东方广受青睐。,Sibylla Of Jerusalem (French: "Sibylle", c. 1160–1190) was the Countess of Jaffa and Ascalon from 1176 and Queen of Jerusalem from 1186 to 1190. She was the eldest daughter of Amalric I of Jerusalem and Agnes of Courtenay, sister of Baldwin IV and half-sister of Isabella I of Jerusalem, and mother of Baldwin V of Jerusalem. Her grandmother Melisende had provided an example of successful rule by a queen regnant earlier in the century.,耶路撒冷的西比拉(法语:“锡比勒”,约1160-1190年)是雅法和阿斯卡隆伯爵夫人从1176年和1186年至1190年耶路撒冷女王。她是耶路撒冷的亚玛力一世和柯特尼的长女,鲍德温四世的妹妹,耶路撒冷的伊莎贝拉一世同父异母的妹妹,耶路撒冷鲍德温五世的母亲。前一个世纪,梅利森德女王的祖母为她提供了一个成功的例子。,The word Sibyl comes (via Latin) from the ancient Greek word sibylla, meaning prophetess.,Sibyl这个词来自古希腊语sibylla,意思是女先知。,Derived from the Latin Sibylla (a fortuneteller, a prophetess). The sibyls, women of ancient Greece and Rome, where mouthpieces of the ancient oracles and seers into the future. In the Middle Ages, they were believed to be receptors of divine revelation; thus Sibyl came into use as an acceptable given name. Var: Sibella.,源于拉丁语Sibylla(算命师、女先知)。西伯利亚人,古希腊和罗马的妇女,那里是古代神谕的喉舌,预示着未来。在中世纪,他们被认为是神圣启示的接受者;因此西比尔作为一个可接受的名字开始使用。风险值:西贝拉。,Sibylla常见音译为西比拉,希碧拉,长度为7个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,美式发音音标为[sibyl-la]。能正确发音的英文名,自己能记得住,英语发音尽量少于3音节。,在男生中,Sibylla稍微冷门,用的外国人不是很多,在女生中,Sibylla这个名字不多见,但非常特别,Sibylla在最近100年内,男性共有0人、女性共有52人,女生用Sibylla比男生更多一些。