公主 意思是“女士,公主,贵族”在希伯来语。在旧约中,这是亚伯拉罕的妻子的名字,被认为是犹太人的首领。她是荒芜的,直到她在90岁时意外地成为艾萨克怀孕。她的名字最初是撒拉,但上帝改变了它,同时亚伯拉罕的名字改变了(见创世记17:15)。在英格兰,莎拉使用后新教改革。一个值得注意的人是萨拉丘吉尔(1660-1744),一个有影响力的英国公爵夫人和安妮女王的亲密朋友。Sarah常见英文名音译是莎拉。Sarah代表是公主,是个女孩子用的英文名字。最早来源于希伯来语、英语,Sarah是个个性的英文名字,Sarah给人的印象是随和、甜美、体贴。,Sarah中文音译为莎拉,该名由2个音节组成,看起来优雅有内涵的,给女性起名是指很旷世奇才,讨人喜欢、老练!Sarah最早出现于希伯来语、英语,这个名字在国外较为常见。莎拉历史寓意是公主。,The name Sarah is a girl's name of Hebrew origin meaning "princess".
Sarah was derived from the Hebrew word sarah, meaning “princess.” Sarah is an Old Testament name—she was the wife of Abraham and mother of Isaac. According to the Book of Genesis, Sarah was originally called Sarai, but had her name changed by God to the more auspicious Sarah when she was ninety years old.
Sarah is a timeless classic, as perpetually stylish as it is traditional. Sarah is still widely used, but with such a range of images and variations that any child can make it her own.
Sarah was a Top 10 name from 1978 to 2002, and though it has slipped in popularity, it's still a widely used name. The Sara spelling is another popular option, and diminutives Sadie and Sally are used independently.
A few of her many prominent namesakes are iconic actress Sarah Bernhardt, jazz singer Sarah Vaughan, comedian Sarah Silverman, and actress/fashionista Sarah Jessica Parker.,莎拉这个名字来自希伯来语,意思是“公主”。,Derived from the Hebrew sārāh (princess). The name is borne in the Bible by the wife of the patriarch Abraham and mother of Isaac.,源于希伯来语sārāh(公主)。这个名字在经文中是由祖宗亚伯拉罕的妻子和以撒的母亲所生。,Sarah常见音译为莎拉,长度为5个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,能正确发音的英文名,自己能记得住,英文发音最好不要超过3音节。,在男生中,Sarah稍微冷门,相对来讲不是很流行的名字,在女生中,Sarah非常多见,上万人使用过这个英文名,Sarah在最近100年内,男性共有3320人、女性共有1080941人,Sarah做女生英文名更好。