有礼貌的 MOLLY的中世纪变体。初始辅音的变化的原因是未知的。Polly常见英文名音译是波立,珀莉,波莉。Polly代表是活力充沛的,女士用的最多。最早来源于希伯来语、英语,Polly是个好听的名字,这个名字给人的印象伟大、实际、理解力强。,此英文名字,中文音译为波立,这个英文名不仅看起来很长,但拼写起来是很响亮,这样给女士起名也很有寓意,表示父母希望女士歌功颂德,善良、善于表达,在各个方面有所成就!Polly历史上最早出现于希伯来语、英语,这个名字在国外比较少见。波立代表活力充沛的。,The name Polly is a girl's name of English origin.
An alternative to the no-longer-fresh Molly, the initial 'P' gives Polly a peppier sound, combining the cozy virtues of an old-timey name with the bounce of a barmaid.
Associated with Tom Sawyer's aunt, 'Polly, put the kettle on,' parrots, Polly Peachum, Nirvana and Kinks songs, and the movie Along Came Polly, as well as characters in Noel Streatfeild's Ballet Shoes, C.S. Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia and now on the Netflix show Orange is the New Black, Polly never achieved the comeback that her cousin did, perhaps because she sounds too Pollyanna-ish. But although she has been off the Social Security list for decades, Polly is Number 457 on Nameberry.
But we'd love to see some new baby Pollys.,波利这个名字是一个来自英国的女生的名字。,Variant of Molly, which is a pet form of Mary. It is unclear how or why the changing of the M to a P came about, as it is with Meggy and Peggy. Some believe it to have been a simple case of Polly serving as a rhyming variant.,莫莉的变种,是玛丽的宠物。目前还不清楚M到P的变化是如何或为什么发生的,就像Meggy和Peggy一样。有人认为这只是波利作为押韵变体的一个简单例子。,Polly常见音译为波立,珀莉,波莉,长度为5个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,美式发音音标为['pɔli]。容易发音的名字,别人才能记得住,建议2~3音节为佳。,在男生中,Polly稍微冷门,相对来讲不是很流行的名字,在女生中,Polly非常多见,超过10000人用过这个英文名字,Polly在最近100年内,男性共有24人、女性共有29239人,Polly更倾向于作为女生英文名使用。