Pip常见英文名音译是皮莆,皮普。Pip代表是皮普这个名字来源于英语,意思是“马的情人”,常用作女孩名。最早来源于马其顿语、希腊语,Pip是个好记的名字,这个名字给人的印象精力充沛、多才、聪明。,Pip音标为[pɪp],该名是由3个字母组成的,听来美妙又强而有力,尤其对于工作中需要英文名的女士来说,运用此英文名非常合适!我们分析,名字是Pip的人大家认为都比较精力充沛、多才、聪明,这个名字在国外超级流行!皮普这个名字来源于英语,意思是“马的情人”。,The name Pip is a boy's name of English origin meaning "lover of horses".
The original Pip was the main character in Great Expectations (full name Philip Pirrip). Cute for a tike, problematic for a man.,皮普这个名字来源于英语,意思是“马的情人”。,Derived from mthe Greek Pēnelopē, a name bornee in Greek mythology by Odysseus' wife, who, for twenty years, patiently awaited his return. The etymology of the name is debated. Some believe it is derived from the Greek penelops (a kind of duck), since Penelope was said to have been exposed to die as an infant and was fed and protected by a duck. Others think it might be derived from pēnē (thread on a bobbin) and give it the definition "weaver, worker of the loom," for Penelope spent evenings weaving and unweaving while she waited for her husband to return.,源于希腊语Pēnelopē,希腊神话中奥德修斯妻子的一个名字bornee,她耐心地等待了他20年的归来。这个名字的词源有争议。有人认为它源自希腊的佩内洛普(鸭子的一种),因为据说佩内洛普在婴儿时期就暴露于死亡之中,并由一只鸭子喂养和保护。另一些人则认为它可能来源于pēnē(线轴上的线),并将其定义为“织布工,织布机的工人”,因为佩内洛普在等待丈夫回来时,每天晚上都在织布和脱纬。,Pip常见音译为皮莆,皮普,长度为3个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,英式发音音标为[pɪp],美式发音音标为[pɪp]。不要跟舌头过不去,正确发音容易发音才是好名字,Pip太简单了,多用于昵称。英文名建议以2~3音节为佳。