小的,少的,Paul的阴性,Pauline是一个法语名字,意思是“憨厚”和“身材好” 小的,少的,Paul的阴性 法国女性形式的Paulinus(见PAULINO)。Pauline常见英文名音译是葆琳,珀琳,波林。Pauline代表是聪明的女子,理想主义,无我的付出,用作女孩英文名几率大,最早出现于爱尔兰语、波兰语,Pauline是个简短的名字,Pauline给人的印象是调皮、客观、严肃。,Pauline作为女性的名字,该名是由7个字母组成的,听来美妙又精练,女性运用此英文名起名,可彰显出受人爱戴,花容月貌、认真的性格。大数据分析,很多叫Pauline的人都非常调皮、客观、严肃,这个名字在国外比较少见。聪明的女子,理想主义,无我的付出。,The name Pauline is a girl's name of French origin meaning "small".
Pauline had its moment of glory almost a century ago, when movie audiences were thrilling to the silent serial The Perils of Pauline; it's a sweet and gentle name that just might be due for reconsideration. Off the list since the late 1990s, Pauline was a Top 50 name from around 1908 to 1930.
Pauline was the name of Napoleon Buonaparte's favorite sister, and in literature there is a Pauline in Shakespeare's A Winter's Tale and in Sir Walter Scott's The Fortunes of Nigel.
Vin Diesel chose this name for his daughter in a poignant tribute to his late friend and costar, Paul Walker Other feminine variations of Paul are Paula, Paulette, Paulina and Paolina.,波琳这个名字是一个法国女孩的名字,意思是“小”。,Pauline常见音译为葆琳,珀琳,波林,长度为7个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,美式发音音标为['pɔ:lain]。长名字可能看起来有逼格,不一定是好名字,英语发音尽量少于3音节。,在男生中,Pauline比较少见,相对来讲不是很流行的名字,在女生中,Pauline最近较流行,上万人使用过这个英文名,Pauline在最近100年内,男性共有775人、女性共有226050人,Pauline更倾向于作为女生英文名使用。