有名的地方,Roland的异体 意大利形式的罗兰。佛罗里达州的一个城市拥有这个名字,就像莎士比亚戏剧“你喜欢它”(1599)中的人物一样。Orlando常见英文名音译是奥兰多。常见于男生英文名。历史出自德语、拉丁语,Orlando是个好听的名字,这个英文名字表示实际、友好、耐心。,此英文名字翻译为奥兰多,一共7字母,是一个强而有力的英文名,把这个单词当作男性的英文名字,会给人一种严守时刻、威严的感觉!Orlando最早来源于德语、拉丁语,这个名字在国外较为常见!,The name Orlando is a boy's name of Italian origin meaning "famous throughout the land". Orlando, the ornate Italianate twist on the dated Roland, with a literary heritage stretching back to Shakespeare and before, has appealing book-ended o's, and is open to combination with almost any last name, a la British actor, Orlando Bloom. Orlando has an impressive literary résumé, including the poem "Orlando Furioso,", Handel's opera "Orlando", Shakespeare's As You Like It and Virginia Woolf's gender-bending novel. Most recently, Orlando was a character in The Wire. Orlando Bloom's name was inspired by that of the sixteenth century composer, Orlando Gibbons. It is also the first name of several outstanding athletes--including Orlandos Woolridge, Cabrera and Cepeda, and is, of course, a place name, home of Disney World in Florida.,奥兰多这个名字是一个意大利男人的名字,意思是“全国闻名”。,Orlando常见音译为奥兰多,长度为7个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,英式发音音标为[ɔ:ˈlændəu],美式发音音标为[ɔrˈlændo]。长名字可能看起来有逼格,不一定是好名字,英语发音尽量少于3音节。,在男生中,Orlando非常多见,上万人使用过这个英文名,在女生中,Orlando这个名字不多见,用的外国人不是很多,Orlando在最近100年内,男性共有47593人、女性共有242人,Orlando做男生英文名更好。