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morgan [ˈmɔrɡən]
来自海边的人Morgan常见英文名音译是摩根。Morgan代表是指住在海边的人。用作女孩英文名几率大,最早来源于爱尔兰语、威尔士语,Morgan是个好记的名字,Morgan给人的印象是认真、精力充沛、多才。,Morgan中文音译为摩根,读起来大气又便于书写,且该名由6个字母组成,女孩子提取英文名Morgan取名,彰显出女孩子令人印象深刻特点同时,还很好的寓意着孩子令人印象深刻,令人印象深刻。Morgan最早出现于爱尔兰语、威尔士语,这个名字在国外较为常见!摩根的意思是指住在海边的人。。,The name Morgan is a girl's name of Welsh origin meaning "sea-born, sea-song or sea-circle". Morgan has long been a traditional Welsh male name, a variant of the Old Welsh name Morcant, from the Welsh elements mor, meaning “sea” and cant, “circle.” The female Morgan is unrelated to the male version—it is a name from Arthurian legend created for Morgan le Fay, King Arthur's half-sister and famed sorceress. Her name comes from Morgen, an Old Welsh name meaning “sea-born,” and is related to the Irish name Muirgen. In this country, Morgan is now used more for girls than boys, though considerably lower than its Top 25 status in the 1990's. And although it's been veering south for both sexes, we still find Morgan a sophisticated choice. Actress Morgan Fairchild—who had an influence on the name's popularity for girls—was born Patsy.,摩根这个名字来自威尔士,是一个女士的名字,意思是“海出生,海歌或海洋圈”。,The name Morgan is a boy's name of Welsh origin meaning "sea-born, sea-song or sea-circle". Morgan, once split evenly between the sexes, is a strong and attractive Welsh favorite, still a common boys’ name in Wales. Morgan is now more often a girls' name in the U.S. – about 2000 girls were given the name in one recent year, vs. 362 boys – though it's one of the most traditional unisex choices. Morgan was actually a Top 200 pick for boys in Victorian Britain! Distinguished actor Morgan Freeman is a worthy male namesake.,摩根这个名字是威尔士男生的名字,意思是“海出生,海歌或海洋圈”。,From the Old Welsh Morcant, a compound name thought to be composed of the elements môr (sea) and cant (circle, completion) or can (white, bright).,源于古老的威尔士Morcant,一个复合名,被认为是由元素môr(sea)和cant(圆圈,完成)或can(白色,明亮)组成。,Morgan常见音译为摩根,长度为6个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,不要跟舌头过不去,正确发音容易发音才是好名字,国人建议2~3音节为佳。,在男生中,Morgan非常多见,上万人使用过这个英文名,在女生中,Morgan比较多见,超过10000人用过这个英文名字,Morgan在最近100年内,男性共有42630人、女性共有215856人,女生用Morgan比男生更多一些。Morgan常见英文名音译是摩根。Morgan代表是指住在海边的人。适合女生英文名字,最早出现于爱尔兰语、威尔士语,Morgan是个简短的名字,叫Morgan的人的品格通常认真、精力充沛、多才。,Morgan音标为[Morgan],该名听起来很好看,也很美妙,把这个单词当作女生的英文名字,会给人一种敏感、歌功颂德的感觉。Morgan给人的印象是认真、精力充沛、多才,这个名字在国外较为常见。摩根包含指住在海边的人。的寓意。,The name Morgan is a girl's name of Welsh origin meaning "sea-born, sea-song or sea-circle". Morgan has long been a traditional Welsh male name, a variant of the Old Welsh name Morcant, from the Welsh elements mor, meaning “sea” and cant, “circle.” The female Morgan is unrelated to the male version—it is a name from Arthurian legend created for Morgan le Fay, King Arthur's half-sister and famed sorceress. Her name comes from Morgen, an Old Welsh name meaning “sea-born,” and is related to the Irish name Muirgen. In this country, Morgan is now used more for girls than boys, though considerably lower than its Top 25 status in the 1990's. And although it's been veering south for both sexes, we still find Morgan a sophisticated choice. Actress Morgan Fairchild—who had an influence on the name's popularity for girls—was born Patsy.,摩根这个名字来自威尔士,是一个女生的名字,意思是“海出生,海歌或海洋圈”。,The name Morgan is a boy's name of Welsh origin meaning "sea-born, sea-song or sea-circle". Morgan, once split evenly between the sexes, is a strong and attractive Welsh favorite, still a common boys’ name in Wales. Morgan is now more often a girls' name in the U.S. – about 2000 girls were given the name in one recent year, vs. 362 boys – though it's one of the most traditional unisex choices. Morgan was actually a Top 200 pick for boys in Victorian Britain! Distinguished actor Morgan Freeman is a worthy male namesake.,摩根这个名字是威尔士男人的名字,意思是“海出生,海歌或海洋圈”。,From the Old Welsh Morcant, a compound name thought to be composed of the elements môr (sea) and cant (circle, completion) or can (white, bright).,源于古老的威尔士Morcant,一个复合名,被认为是由元素môr(sea)和cant(圆圈,完成)或can(白色,明亮)组成。,Morgan常见音译为摩根,长度为6个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,不要跟舌头过不去,正确发音容易发音才是好名字,国人建议2~3音节为佳。,在男生中,Morgan比较多见,上万人使用过这个英文名,在女生中,Morgan最近较流行,上万人使用过这个英文名,Morgan在最近100年内,男性共有42630人、女性共有215856人,Morgan更倾向于作为女生英文名使用。