米拉作为女孩的名字有它的根在西班牙语,并且名字米拉意味着“奇迹;喜爱”。Mila是Milagros(西班牙语)的版本。Mila也是Milena(捷克斯洛伐克语,斯拉夫语)的衍生词:在捷克共和国流行。通过Milagros,Milena,Milana,Milana,Milanka,Mileena和Mlada的变体5关系。最初是斯拉夫名字的缩写,包含元素milu“亲爱的,亲爱的”。Mila常见英文名音译是米拉。Mila代表是荣耀,适合女生英文名字,历史上最早出现于保加利亚语、波斯语,Mila是个冷门的名字,这个名字第一印象愉快。,音标为[Mila],中文读作米拉,一共4字母,是一个朗朗上口的英文名,给女性起名是指很娇柔,俭朴、知足。Mila出自保加利亚语、波斯语,这个名字在国外超级流行!米拉历史寓意是荣耀。,The name Mila is a girl's name of Russian origin meaning "gracious; dear". Mila is a given name with Russian and Slavic provenance. It began as the diminutive form for names such as Ludmila, Milena, and Milica. Mila can be a nickname for any name containing the element mil, meaning “gracious” or “dear.” Mila is an appealing European short-form favorite shared by one-time That 70s Show star Ukranian-born Mila Kunis—more recently acclaimed for her work in Black Swan. Her full birth name is Milena. Mila is quickly rising in popularity, jumping up the list in the past few years, even though it wasn't even in the Top 1000 between 1881 and 2005. Mila is now among the trendiest girl names starting with M. It's also a versatile nickname: former President Bush's daughter Jenna named her daughter Margaret Laura, after the child's two grandmothers, to be called Mila.,米拉这个名字来自俄罗斯,意思是“优雅;亲爱的”。,-Mila is the first part of the Spanish word milagro which means miracle.,-Mila是西班牙语单词milagro的第一部分,意思是奇迹。,Also a South-Slavic form of the popular male name Milan.,也是一个南斯拉夫形式的流行的男士名字米兰。,A short form of names like Milena and Miloslava. It coincides with the Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian and Bulgarian word mila meaning "dear, pleasant".,像米莲娜和米洛斯拉瓦这样的名字的缩写。它与马其顿语、塞尔维亚语、克罗地亚语和保加利亚语单词mila一致,意思是“亲爱的,愉快的”。,-Mila is the first part of the Spanish word milagro which means miracle.,-Mila是西班牙语单词milagro的第一部分,意思是奇迹。,Also a South-Slavic form of the popular male name Milan.,也是一个南斯拉夫形式的流行的男生名字米兰。,A short form of names like Milena and Miloslava. It coincides with the Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian and Bulgarian word mila meaning "dear, pleasant".,像米莲娜和米洛斯拉瓦这样的名字的缩写。它与马其顿语、塞尔维亚语、克罗地亚语和保加利亚语单词mila一致,意思是“亲爱的,愉快的”。,Mila常见音译为米拉,长度为4个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,容易发音的名字,别人才能记得住,英语发音尽量少于3音节。,在男生中,Mila稍微冷门,但很有特色,在女生中,Mila最近较流行,上万人使用过这个英文名,Mila在最近100年内,男性共有41人、女性共有48706人,Mila做女生英文名更好。