蜜蜂 法语形式的MELISSA。蜜蜂 在希腊语中的意思是“蜜蜂”。这是在希腊神话中照顾年轻宙斯的若虫的名字。这也是仙女的名字,帮助罗戈尔从女巫Alcina逃离在Ludovico阿里奥斯托的诗“奥兰多Furioso”(1516)。作为一个英语的名字,梅利莎已使用了从18世纪。Melissa常见英文名音译是梅利莎,梅里萨,梅莉莎,梅丽莎。Melissa代表是聪明,有商业头脑,平常作为女性用英文名字。源自爱尔兰语、法语,Melissa是个霸气的名字,这个英文名字表示认真、成熟、聪明。,音标为[mə'lisə],中文读作梅利莎,一共7字母,是一个顺口的英文名,作为女士的名字显得是神圣、锲而不舍的。Melissa历史出自爱尔兰语、法语,这个名字在国外较为常见。梅利莎的寓意是聪明,有商业头脑。,The name Melissa is a girl's name of Greek origin meaning "honeybee".
Melissa derives from the Greek word mélissa, meaning “bee,” which was taken from the word for honey, meli. In Greek mythology, Melissa was a nymph who nursed the infant god Zeus with honey. Melissa was used as a given name by the early Greeks, as well as for fairies by Italian Renaissance poets.
Most parents today think of Melissa as one of the fashionable names during their childhoods, and indeed for years it was one of the most popular girl names starting with M. But there are still plenty of little Melissas around and Melissa is also a more classic name than you might think, used in the U.S. since the eighteenth century and originating as the name of a nymph in Greek mythology.
Melissa was the name of the good witch in Ariosto's major 1532 narrative poem Orlando Furioso. Later, it can be found in the works of a wide range of writers, including Charles Dickens, Rudyard Kipling and Lawrence Durrell.,梅丽莎这个名字是一个希腊女士的名字,意思是“蜜蜂”。,"In Greek mythology, Melissa is the name of one of the nymphs that fed Zeus honey as an infant while hiding him from his father, Cronus. When Cronus discovered this, he turned her into a worm. After Zeus came into power, he changed her into a queen bee, not being able to change her from an insect form."
found at ~http://www.themelissagarden.com/,“在希腊神话中,梅利莎是一个仙女的名字,她在宙斯小时候喂养蜂蜜,却把他藏在父亲克洛诺斯面前。当克洛诺斯发现这一点时,他把她变成了一条蠕虫。宙斯掌权后,他把她变成了一只蜂王,但却无法将她从昆虫的形态中改变。”,Derived from the Greek melissa (a bee). The 16th century Italian poet Ariosto used the name for the good fairy who protected Bradamante and helped Ruggero escape from Atlante upon the hippogriff in the poem Orlando Furioso.,源于希腊语melissa(蜜蜂)。16世纪的意大利诗人阿里斯托在《奥兰多·弗里索》一诗中用了保护布拉达曼特并帮助鲁格罗从马拉松上逃离亚特兰蒂斯的善良仙女的名字。,Melissa常见音译为梅利莎,梅里萨,梅莉莎,梅丽莎,长度为7个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,美式发音音标为[mə'lisə]。容易发音的名字,别人才能记得住,建议2~3音节为佳。,在男生中,Melissa比较少见,但非常特别,在女生中,Melissa非常多见,超过10000人用过这个英文名字,Melissa在最近100年内,男性共有2496人、女性共有755211人,Melissa做女生英文名更好。