上帝的礼物 英语形式的Ματθαιος(Matthaios),这是一个希腊语形式的希伯来名字מַתִּתְיָהוּ(Mattityahu)意思是“YAHWEH的礼物”。马太,也称为列维,是十二使徒之一。他是一个税务人员,据说是新约中第一个福音的作者。他被认为是许多基督教传统的圣徒。变种马提亚也出现在新约属于一个单独的使徒。这个名字在旧约中出现为马蒂亚西亚。作为英语名字,马修自中世纪以Matthew常见英文名音译是马太,马修。Matthew代表是上帝的赠礼。常见于男生英文名。最早出现于泰语、希伯来语,Matthew是个霸气的名字,这个英文名字表示浪漫、善于表达、可靠。,此英文名字,中文音译为马太,该名听起来很悦耳动听,也很强而有力,把这个单词当作小男孩的英文名字,会给人一种令人敬畏、谨慎的感觉。Matthew来源于泰语、希伯来语,这个名字在国外超级流行。马太的寓意是上帝的赠礼。。,The name Matthew is a boy's name of Hebrew origin meaning "gift of God".
Matthew is the English derivative of Matthaios, the Greek form of the Hebrew Mattiyahu, composed of mattan, meaning “gift” and yah, in reference to God. The biblical Matthew was the apostle who wrote the first Gospel in the New Testament. Mateo, Matthias, Teo, Matek, and Mattia are among the many named derived from Matthew.
Matthew was the third most popular boys' name in America throughout the 1980s and '90s, and is still one of the top boy names starting with M. The New Testament Matthew is the epitome of the fashionable classic—safe and sturdy, yet with a more engaging personality than John or James. Matthew is so common by now, though, that parents have started to seek fresher choices, like Matthew-inspired variations Matthias and Mateo.
The name suddenly became very popular in the U.S. in the 1960s, with Matts appearing on many Western (e.g., Gunsmoke's Marshall Matt Dillon) and other TV shows. Currently there are several prominent real-life Matthews and Matts, including Broderick, McConaughey, Lauer, Damon and Dillon. Celebs who have chosen international versions for their starbabies include Ricky Martin (Matteo), Benjamin Bratt (Matteo), Colin Firth (Mateo) and Will Ferrell (Mattias).,马太这个名字是希伯来语男性的名字,意思是“上帝的礼物”。,Matthew常见音译为马太,马修,长度为7个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,美式发音音标为['mæθju:]。容易发音的名字,别人才能记得住,国人建议2~3音节为佳。,在男生中,Matthew比较多见,上万人使用过这个英文名,在女生中,Matthew稍微冷门,但非常特别,Matthew在最近100年内,男性共有1609612人、女性共有5534人,男生用Matthew作为英文名的较多。