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leslie ['lezli] ['lezli]
冬青园,“秘密花园”;或者”神圣花园“的意思 冬青园 从苏格兰的姓来自苏格兰地名,可能来源于盖尔斯leas celyn意思“冬青花园”。它自19世纪以来就被用作一个给定的名字。在美国,在20世纪40年代之后更常见的是一个女性的名字。Leslie常见英文名音译是莱斯利,莱丝丽,莱丝莉。Leslie代表是精明的,独立,上进,具备领导性,女生用这个名字较多,最早出现于德语、法语,Leslie是个简单的名字,Leslie给人的印象是精明、有趣、成熟。,Leslie音标为['lezli],读起来悦耳动听又强而有力,且该名由6个字母组成,给小女孩起名是指很刻苦,心灵手巧、超凡脱俗。Leslie最早来源于德语、法语,这个名字在国外较为常见。莱斯利的意思是精明的,独立,上进,具备领导性。,The name Leslie is a boy's name of Scottish origin meaning "garden of holly". This Scottish place name and surname was more popular for boys in the US until the mid-1940s; in the UK, the Leslie spelling is predominantly masculine, with Lesley widely used as the feminine variant. Now ranking in the mid-400s for girls and not at all for boys in the US, it could be time to bring this smart, subtle nature name back, especially considering the current popularity of -ley names for both sexes. Trivia tidbit: Both President Gerald Ford and comedian Bob Hope were born Leslie, while Gone With The Wind actor Leslie Howard was actually born Laszlo, according to some sources.,莱斯利这个名字是苏格兰男性的名字,意思是“冬青园”。,The name Leslie is a girl's name of Scottish origin meaning "garden of holly". A Scottish place and surname that was once adrogynous but now leans about 20 to 1 toward the girls' side, Leslie has a pleasant, heathery feel that kept it in or near the Top 100 for several decades; the Lesly and Lesley spellings are also frequently used, especially in Britain. While Leslie may not be the freshest name in the bunch, it's become a modern classic and is one of the surprising names always to have ranked among the US Top 1000 for girls. Trivia tidbit: Both President Gerald Ford and comedian Bob Hope were born Leslie, and Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart used the name for their daughter, in honor of actor Leslie Howard.,莱斯利这个名字是苏格兰女人的名字,意思是“冬青园”。,Transferred use of the Scottish surname taken from Lesslyn, a place-name in Aberdeenshire. The name might be derived from the Gaelic elements lios (enclosure, garden, fort) and chuilinn (a holly tree) or liath (gray): hence, "garden of hollies" or "the gray fort." The name, borne by a well-known Scottish clan, was not in common use as a personal name until late in the 19th century.,从阿伯丁郡的一个地名Lesslyn转移使用的苏格兰姓氏。这个名字可能来源于盖尔语元素lios(围墙、花园、堡垒)和chuilin(冬青树)或liath(灰色):因此,“冬青树花园”或“格雷堡”。这个名字由一个著名的苏格兰氏族继承,直到19世纪末才被普遍用作个人名字。,Leslie常见音译为莱斯利,莱丝丽,莱丝莉,长度为6个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,美式发音音标为['lezli]。不要跟舌头过不去,正确发音容易发音才是好名字,英语发音尽量少于3音节。,在男生中,Leslie非常多见,很多外国人也叫Leslie,在女生中,Leslie非常多见,很多外国人也叫Leslie,Leslie在最近100年内,男性共有112776人、女性共有267643人,女生用Leslie作为英文名的较多。