桂冠 LAURENCE的变种(1)。这个名字的拼写现在比劳伦斯在英语世界更常见,可能是因为劳伦斯是姓的通常拼写。这个姓由作者和诗人D.H.劳伦斯(1885-1930)以及革命的T.E.劳伦斯(1888-1935),被称为阿拉伯的劳伦斯承担。Lawrence常见英文名音译是劳伦斯。Lawrence代表是月桂树的意思,桂冠,男孩叫这个名字较多,出自阿拉伯语、爱尔兰语,Lawrence是个好听的英文名字,这个英文名字表示浪漫、开阔、实际。,Lawrence中文音译为劳伦斯,该名看起来很冷门,听起来也很美妙,作为男性的名字显得是有激情、有爱心的。Lawrence历史来源于阿拉伯语、爱尔兰语,这个名字在国外较为常见。劳伦斯代表月桂树的意思,桂冠。,The name Lawrence is a boy's name of Latin origin meaning "from Laurentium".
Lawrence has survived from Roman times, when Laurentium was a city noted for its laurel trees (the laurel is a symbol of wisdom and achievement). It was in the Top 50 from the 1890s through the 1950s and the Top 100 for decades longer, always among the most popular boys' names starting with L, but Lawrence is now used less for babies than Landon or Lorenzo. Nickname Lauro perks it up while Larry feels terminally dated. The Laurence spelling was popularized by Sir Laurence Olivier and is also attached to fellow actor Laurence Fishburne.,劳伦斯这个名字来源于拉丁语,意思是“来自劳伦斯”。,The name Lawrence is a girl's name of Latin origin meaning "from Laurentium".
We approve of this name for a girl — but prefer the au, Laura-Laurenish, spelling.,劳伦斯这个名字来自拉丁语,意思是“来自劳伦斯”。,Lawrence常见音译为劳伦斯,长度为8个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,英式发音音标为[ˈlɔrəns],美式发音音标为[ˈlɔrəns, ˈlɑr-]。长名字可能看起来有逼格,不一定是好名字,英文发音最好不要超过3音节。,在男生中,Lawrence非常多见,超过10000人用过这个英文名字,在女生中,Lawrence比较少见,但非常特别,Lawrence在最近100年内,男性共有457877人、女性共有2131人,Lawrence做男生英文名更好。