耶和华至高无上,上帝给予的提升 耶和华至高无上 从希伯来文名字יִרְמְיָהוּ(Yirmiyahu)这意味着“YAHWEH已经提升”。这是旧约的一个主要先知的名字,耶利米书和哀叹的作者(据说)的作者。他在公元前6世纪看到了巴比伦对耶路撒冷的毁灭。在英国,虽然自13世纪以来,耶利米的地方形式偶尔被使用,但是耶利米的形式在新教改革之前并不常见。Jeremiah常见英文名音译是耶利米,杰里迈亚。Jeremiah代表是耶和华至高无上,平常作为男性用英文名字,历史来源于拉丁语、希伯来语,Jeremiah是个常见的名字,这个英文名字表示细心。,此英文名字,中文音译为耶利米,该名看起来很大气,听起来也很响亮大气,此外,这个英文名字还有很好的印象,象征小男孩正大光明、开心见诚。Jeremiah给人的印象是细心,这个名字在国外较为常见!耶利米代表耶和华至高无上。,The name Jeremiah is a boy's name of Hebrew origin meaning "appointed by God".
Jeremiah is a solid Old Testament prophet name that has gradually taken the place of the now dated Jeremy, Gerard and Gerald, joining other currently popular biblical 'iah' names like Josiah and Isaiah. In the Bible Jeremiah is a famous prophet whose story is recorded in the book named after him.
Dickens used the name in two of his novels--Little Dorrit and A Tale of Two Cities-- and other fictional Jeremiahs have been spotted in such movies and TV shows as Oz, Zoey101 and The Princess Diaries. Leonard Bernstein composed a work called Jeremiah Symphony.
Caveats: Once-logical nickname Jerry sounds like the family dentist, and some may make the Jeremiah bullfrog association.
A related, more unusual biblical option: Jeriah.,耶利米这个名字来自希伯来语,意思是“上帝指定”。,It is of Hebrew origin, meaning "the Lord Exalts".,它起源于希伯来语,意思是“上帝至高无上”。,From the Ecclesiastic Late Latin Jeremias, a cognate of the Hebrew Yirmeyahu, a name derived from yirmeyāh (the Lord loosens, God will uplift). The name is borne in the Bible by a 6th- or 7th-century B.C. Hebrew prophet whose story and prophecies are recorded in the Old Testament book of Jeremiah.,源于教会晚期拉丁语Jeremias,希伯来语Yirmeyahu的同源词,这个名字来源于yirmeyāh(上帝放松,上帝会提升)。这个名字是由一位公元前6或7世纪的希伯来先知在《经文》中记载的,他的故事和预言都记载在耶利米旧约全书中。,Jeremiah常见音译为耶利米,杰里迈亚,长度为8个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,英式发音音标为[ˌdʒeriˈmaiə],美式发音音标为[ˌdʒɛrəˈmaɪə]。能正确发音的英文名,自己能记得住,英语发音尽量少于3音节。,在男生中,Jeremiah最近较流行,很多外国人也叫Jeremiah,在女生中,Jeremiah这个名字不多见,但很有特色,Jeremiah在最近100年内,男性共有201094人、女性共有668人,Jeremiah更倾向于作为男生英文名使用。