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jasper ['dʒæspə] ['dʒæspə]
Jasper常见英文名音译是杰斯帕,贾斯珀。Jasper代表是我觉得贾斯帕这个名字很聪明很漂亮!它的意思很可爱,平常作为男性用英文名字,历史上最早出现于阿拉伯语、波斯语,Jasper是个好听的名字,这个名字第一印象认真、成熟、聪明。,Jasper作为小男孩的名字,该名由3个音节组成,看起来有名中性,给人以有效率爱动脑筋的感觉!Jasper历史出自阿拉伯语、波斯语,这个名字在国外较为常见。我觉得贾斯帕这个名字很聪明很漂亮!它的意思很可爱。,The name Jasper is a boy's name of Persian origin meaning "bringer of treasure". Jasper originated as a variation of the Latin Gaspar, which ultimately derived from the Persian word ganzabara, meaning “bringer of treasure.” As a given name, Jasper’s etymology is unrelated to that of the gemstone, which comes from a Semitic word meaning “speckled stone.” Jasper is the usual English form for one of the Three Wise Men who brought gifts to the infant Christ according to medieval tradition and appears in the Bible as a reference to the stone itself in Revelations 4:3. Jasper has a lot going for it—it's been rocketing up the ranks in the US, after long being considered a posh and charming name in England. Distinctly masculine, Jasper represents a variety of quartz—one of the few gem names for boys—and is the first name of the great modern artist Jasper Johns. Our only caveat: Jasper is a favorite of a lot of hip parents, and has gotten even more popular since its strong appearance in the Twilight books and movies. Jasper has considerable literary cred as well, appearing in works by Sir Walter Scott, James Fenimore Cooper, Thackeray, and Thomas Hardy--as well as Stephenie Meyer. Casper/Caspar is the German version.,贾斯帕这个名字是一个波斯男生的名字,意思是“宝藏的使者”。,The name Jasper is a girl's name meaning "bringer of treasure". The ancient boys' name Jasper is popular internationally in a range of forms, including Casper and Gaspard, and now Jasper is beginning to be used for girls in the US.,贾斯帕这个名字是一个女人的名字,意思是“宝藏使者”。,Jasper as a name has a long history. It is a variant of the Persian name Kasper--and related to the name of the third Magi, Gasper. In Scandinavian countries, the name is Jesper. The name dates far back, and was common enough to be used in the royal family of England. The uncle of Henry VII of England was Jasper Tudor (1431-1495), the second son of the scandalous relationship of Owen Tudor and Queen Catherine of Valois (widow of Henry V).,贾斯珀这个名字由来已久。它是波斯语名字Kasper的一个变体,与第三个博士加斯帕的名字有关。在斯堪的纳维亚国家,这个名字叫杰斯珀。这个名字可以追溯到很久以前,在英国王室中已经很常见了。英国亨利七世的叔父是贾斯珀·都铎(1431-1495),他是欧文·都铎和瓦洛瓦女王凯瑟琳(亨利五世的遗孀)的丑恶关系的次子。,English form of Gaspar, a name of uncertain etymology which, along with Balthasar and Melchior, was assigned to the Three Wise Men, who brought gifts to the Christ child. The names are not found in the Bible and are thought to have been fixed in the 11th century. Gaspar might have been derived from the Persian genashber (treasure master), which is in keeping with his role of the bringer of precious gifts.,Gaspar的英文形式Gaspar,一个词源不确定的名字,与Balthasar和Melchior一起被指定给三个给基督孩子带来礼物的智者。这些名字在经文中找不到,人们认为这些名字是在11世纪确定的。加斯帕可能是从波斯根纳什伯(珍宝大师),这是符合他的角色,珍贵的礼物。,Jasper常见音译为杰斯帕,贾斯珀,长度为6个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,英式发音音标为['dʒæspə],美式发音音标为['dʒæspə]。能正确发音的英文名,自己能记得住,英文发音最好不要超过3音节。,在男生中,Jasper最近较流行,上万人使用过这个英文名,在女生中,Jasper稍微冷门,用的外国人不是很多,Jasper在最近100年内,男性共有45363人、女性共有857人,Jasper更倾向于作为男生英文名使用。