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isis ['aisis] [ˈaɪsɪs]
Isis常见英文名音译是伊西斯,伊希斯。Isis代表是我喜欢它的含义和与埃及女神的联系,女士用的最多。历史上最早出现于希腊语,Isis是个冷门的名字,这个名字第一印象友善、可亲、聪明。,音标为[ˈaisis],中文读作伊西斯,该名看起来很最新,听起来也很音律优美,作为小女孩的名字显得是豪放、明白事理的。Isis在国外,认为具有友善、可亲、聪明的品格,这个名字在国外较为常见。我喜欢它的含义和与埃及女神的联系。,The name Isis is a girl's name of Egyptian origin meaning "throne". Isis has gone from magical, feminist name on the rise to the forbidden list because of the extremist terror group called ISIS, an acronym for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Unsurprisingly, Isis was one of the fastest-falling names in 2014, dropping 130 ranks to reach #706. Before the rise of the political group, Isis was best known as the name of the supreme Egyptian goddess of the moon, sky, magic, motherhood and fertility, revived by feminists and others willing to cross into arcane territory. And with the mini-craze for names that start with Is- -- Isabella, Isla -- it was not so surprising that Isis was joining the I crowd. The ancient Isis, wife of Osiris (who happened to be her brother), was worshiped beyond Egypt into the Greco-Roman world. According to myth, the Nile river floods every year because of Isis's tears of sorrow for the death of Osiris. In popular culture, Isis has been a character on Stargate and Battleship Galactica, an opera, the title of a Bob Dylan song and the name of several rock bands. The Isis is the name given to part of the River Thames.,伊西斯这个名字来自埃及,是一个女性的名字,意思是“王位”。,Isis was an Egyptian goddess of motherhood and fertility, who was attested as early as the Old Kingdom of Egyptian history. One of the nine gods of the Ennead, Isis was the consort of her brother, Osiris, the first (divine) king of Egypt. When Osiris was murdered by his brother Set, Isis collected the pieces of his body and revivified them, so as to conceive their child, Horus. Her name means "seat, throne," seen in her role as a king-maker. Isis was clever and possessed great magical power. During the Late Period, a common representation of Isis was bronze statuettes depicting the goddess seated on a throne and nursing the child, Horus (Gr. Harpocrates). This imagery, which persisted into the Roman Period as her cult spread out of Egypt and throughout the Empire, has often been linked to that of the Madonna and the Christ Child.,伊希斯是埃及的母性和生育女神,早在埃及历史的旧王国时期就得到了证实。伊希斯是九尊神之一,是她的兄弟,埃及第一位神圣的国王奥西里斯的配偶。当奥西里斯被他的兄弟塞特谋杀时,伊西斯收集了他的尸体碎片并复活,以便怀上他们的孩子荷鲁斯。她的名字的意思是“座位,王位”,从她扮演的国王的角色来看。伊希斯很聪明,拥有强大的魔力。在后期,伊希斯的一个常见代表是青铜雕像,描绘了坐在宝座上哺育孩子的女神荷鲁斯(希腊语:哈波克拉底)。这种意象一直持续到罗马时期,因为她的崇拜在埃及和整个帝国蔓延开来,常常与圣母玛利亚和基督圣子联系在一起。,Isis常见音译为伊西斯,伊希斯,长度为4个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,英式发音音标为[ˈaisis],美式发音音标为[ˈaɪsɪs]。能正确发音的英文名,自己能记得住,英文名建议以2~3音节为佳。,在男生中,Isis比较少见,用的外国人不是很多,在女生中,Isis最近较流行,超过10000人用过这个英文名字,Isis在最近100年内,男性共有12人、女性共有11061人,女生用Isis作为英文名的较多。