Frances的昵称,自由之人,从法国来的名字 Frances的昵称 女性小型FRANÇOIS。Francis常见英文名音译是佛朗茜茵,法兰西斯,弗兰西斯。Francis代表是法国人,自由人,是个男士用的英文名字,历史出自布尔语、德语,Francis是个简短的名字,这个名字给人的印象辛勤、正直、友善。,该名读音是[ˈfrɑ:nsɪs],长度为7,强而有力易读,适合大家英文起名,男生运用此英文名起名,可彰显出铁骨铮铮,容光焕发、好学上进的性格。Francis来源于布尔语、德语,这个名字在国外较为常见。佛朗茜茵的寓意是法国人,自由人。,The name Francis is a boy's name of Latin origin meaning "Frenchman or free man".
Since this was the name chosen by the current Roman Catholic pope, Francis has come into the spotlight.
The name, which was in the Top 10 at the turn of the last century, has been pretty much confined to Irish and Italian Catholics -- think F. (Francis) Scott Fitzgerald, Francis Albert Sinatra, Francis Ford Coppola -- for decades, and still has a somewhat starchy feel. But with its similarity to the increasingly popular female Frances, and its recent newsworthiness, we can see it making a possible comeback beyond those worlds. And in fact, the name has risen a bit in the charts since its all-time low of 680 in 2009.
Animal-loving parents might be inspired by the connection to Saint Francis of Assisi (born Giovanni), who was said to be able to communicate with animals and was made the patron saint of ecology. Another Francis, Saint Francis de Sales, is the patron saint of writers and editors.,弗朗西斯这个名字来源于拉丁语,意思是“法国人或自由人”。,Francis常见音译为佛朗茜茵,法兰西斯,弗兰西斯,长度为7个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,英式发音音标为[ˈfrɑ:nsɪs],美式发音音标为[ˈfrænsɪs]。长名字可能看起来有逼格,不一定是好名字,英语发音尽量少于3音节。,在男生中,Francis非常多见,上万人使用过这个英文名,在女生中,Francis非常多见,很多外国人也叫Francis,Francis在最近100年内,男性共有286395人、女性共有29281人,Francis做男生英文名更好。