Fairfax常见英文名音译是费尔费克斯,费尔法克斯。Fairfax代表是费尔法克斯这个名字是一个男孩的英文名字,意思是“金发”,是个女孩子用的英文名字。来源于英语,Fairfax是个好记的名字,这个名字第一印象善解人意、美丽。,音标为[fair-fax],中文读作费尔费克斯,整体强而有力易读,是一个纯洁的英文名,此外,这个英文名字还有很好的印象,象征女士光明磊落、淘气。Fairfax给人的印象是善解人意、美丽,这个名字在国外超级流行。费尔法克斯这个名字是一个男孩的英文名字,意思是“金发”。,The name Fairfax is a girl's name of English origin meaning "blond".
Place name and surname that sounds a tad snooty.,费尔法克斯这个名字是一个女孩的英文名字,意思是“金发”。,The name Fairfax is a boy's name of English origin meaning "blond".
If this name makes you think of Victorian novels, it's because Fairfax was part of Mr Rochester's name in Jane Eyre, and the surname of a minor character in Jane Austen's Emma. It has a distinctly aristocratic feel, despite its straightforward meaning. Fairfax is also a city in Virginia.,费尔法克斯这个名字是一个男孩的英文名字,意思是“金发”。,Fairfax常见音译为费尔费克斯,费尔法克斯,长度为7个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,美式发音音标为[fair-fax]。不要跟舌头过不去,正确发音容易发音才是好名字,英文名建议以2~3音节为佳。