Emery常见英文名音译是艾玛里。Emery代表是埃莫里这个名字是一个德国女孩的名字,意思是“勤劳”,用作女孩英文名几率大,是个中性英文名。历史出自德语、英语,Emery是个简短的名字,这个英文名字表示平易近人、有创造力、善于表达。,Emery作为小女孩的名字,该名看起来很炫酷,听起来也很响亮大气,作为小女孩英文名,第一印象是本人秀雅,外向、完美!Emery最早来源于德语、英语,这个名字在国外较为常见!埃莫里这个名字是一个德国女孩的名字,意思是“勤劳”。,The name Emery is a boy's name of German origin meaning "industrious". Emery is one of the newly popular Em- names that has great potential, though right now for girls more than boys: it received a boost in 2009, a year after Angie Harmon and Jason Sehorn used it for one of their daughters. Emery ranks on the Top 1000 for both boys and girls, but all the way up in the Top 100 for girls and down in the 700s for boys. Many related names are also trending for baby boys, from Emerson to Emrys to Amory to Emmett.,埃默里这个名字是一个德国男性的名字,意思是“勤奋”。,The name Emery is a girl's name of German origin meaning "industrious". The superpopularity of Emily and Emma has recently boosted the unisex Emery, especially since it's also a starbaby via Angie Harmon and Jason Sehorn. Emery now ranks among the girls' Top 100 names in the US, though Emma, Emily, and even Emilia are more popular. Emerson and Emmeline are two other popular girl names in the same vein.,埃莫里这个名字是一个德国女孩的名字,意思是“勤劳”。,Emery常见音译为艾玛里,长度为5个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,英式发音音标为[ˈeməri],美式发音音标为['emərɪ]。长名字可能看起来有逼格,不一定是好名字,国人建议2~3音节为佳。,在男生中,Emery比较多见,很多外国人也叫Emery,在女生中,Emery最近较流行,很多外国人也叫Emery,Emery在最近100年内,男性共有18404人、女性共有25365人,女生用Emery作为英文名的较多。