上帝是耶和华,Ellis的异体,“耶和华是上帝”;的意思 匈牙利的ELIJAH形式。西班牙语和冰岛语形式的ELIJAH。上帝是耶和华,Ellis的异体 认知ELIJAH。这是希腊新约中使用的形式。Elias常见英文名音译是伊里亚斯,伊莱亚斯,埃利亚斯。Elias代表是上帝是耶和华,男士用的最多,源自冰岛语、西班牙语,Elias是个简短的名字,这个名字第一印象正直、有创造力、诚实。,音标为[i'laiəs],中文读作伊里亚斯,共有4个音节,听起来音律优美优美悦耳,这样给男孩子起名也很有寓意,表示父母希望男孩子容易冲动,光明磊落、专注,在各个方面有所成就!Elias历史出自冰岛语、西班牙语,这个名字在国外较为常见。伊里亚斯包含上帝是耶和华的寓意。,The name Elias is a boy's name of Greek origin meaning "Yahweh is God".
Elias, strong and charismatic, is following in the path of family members Elijah and Eli, and is also moving on up in popularity.
Used by the English Puritans in the eighteenth century, Elias is the name of an oratorio about the prophet Elijah, composed by Felix Mendelssohn. There have been characters named Elias in novels by Sir Walter Scott, Anthony Trollope and Thomas Hardy. And in the inventors' Hall of Fame is Elias Howe, inventor of the sewing machine. It has also been the middle name of both Walt Disney and Robert Downey Jr's son Exton.,伊利亚斯这个名字来源于希腊,意思是“耶和华是上帝”。,The name Elias is a girl's name meaning "Yahweh is my God".
Like its parent name Elijah and the related Elliot, this has potential for girls.,以利亚是一个女生的名字,意思是“耶和华是我的神”。,Elias常见音译为伊里亚斯,伊莱亚斯,埃利亚斯,长度为5个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,美式发音音标为[i'laiəs]。简单有内涵的英文名,才是好名字,英文发音最好不要超过3音节。,在男生中,Elias最近较流行,超过10000人用过这个英文名字,在女生中,Elias这个名字不多见,但非常特别,Elias在最近100年内,男性共有86514人、女性共有186人,Elias做男生英文名更好。