教父,圣父Abbott常见英文名音译是艾伯特。Abbott代表是力量之山或巍峨的大山,用作男孩英文名几率大,历史来源于希伯来语、英语,Abbott是个好记的名字,Abbott给人的印象是善于表达、积极、时尚。,音标为[ˈæbət],中文读作艾伯特,该名听起来很强而有力,也很悦耳动听,把这个单词当作小男孩的英文名字,会给人一种妙语连珠、坚贞不屈的感觉。Abbott最早出现于希伯来语、英语,这个名字在国外较为常见。艾伯特的寓意是力量之山或巍峨的大山。,The name Abbott is a boy's name of Hebrew origin meaning "father".
Abbott is a neglected masculine surname with religious overtones as the head of a monastery. Though the feminine nickname Abby could be a slight drawback, Abbott is still an attractive offbeat possibility.
The political activist and co-founder of the Yippies, Abbie Hoffman's birth name was Abbott.
Abbot (one 't') Kinney is known for developing Venice, California--whose main throughfare bears his name.,这个名字是一个希伯来男士的名字,意思是“父亲”。,The name Abbott is a girl's name of Aramaic origin meaning "father".
This traditionally male surname name could find new life for girls thanks to its similarity to the popular Abby and Abigail.,这个名字是一个女生的名字,上天米语起源,意思是“父亲”。,Abbott常见音译为艾伯特,长度为6个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,英式发音音标为[ˈæbət],美式发音音标为[ˈæbət]。长名字可能看起来有逼格,不一定是好名字,英文名建议以2~3音节为佳。,在男生中,Abbott比较少见,但很有特色,在女生中,Abbott这个名字不多见,但非常特别,Abbott在最近100年内,男性共有1095人、女性共有24人,Abbott更倾向于作为男生英文名使用。